Deportation Defense In New York From the Perspective of an IranianClient

While removal proceedings can have a tremendous impact on a personresiding in New York, they will have a more profoundimpact on an alien who is not familiar with immigration law.  In the context of anIranian in removal proceedings, it is important to hire a lawyer that is experienced in deportation defense and also one that understands the political situation in Iran.  Even though a lawyer’s ability cannot be solelydetermined based on that lawyer’s ethnicity, an Iranian lawyer may be more stronglyequippedto conveythe impact of such proceedings on a person of Persian descent. 

The Effect of a Charge and Detention on One’s Employment and Reputation

In Persian culture, importance is placed on a person’s employment.  Frequently, an individual who is placed in removal is in such a proceeding because of a criminal charge.  Sometimes, an individual is detained for the entirety of the immigration proceeding.  In dealing with criminal and immigration charges,it is important to know the effect of such charges on a person’s employment and reputation.In consulting with an immigration lawyer NYC, it is critical to understand that the lawyer is bound by the attorney client privilege and he or she cannot reveal the contents of any communication with the client.  Acomprehension of the magnitude of reputation within the Iranian community will influence a lawyer to protect the client and ensure that his profile is kept low .

Country Conditions

One area where an Iranian Lawyer may particularly help is in making an argument for asylum in a removal proceeding.  Iran is a unique country, with a distinctive political situation.  Understanding the nuances of politics in Iran and the turmoil surrounding the current regime will help a lawyer construct the most effective asylum argument.  A Persian lawyer is naturally better equipped to understand modern Iran and how to use this knowledge to build a strong asylum case.

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